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Online shop for pet
I cannot find this brand in the UK any longer, so I import it for my two little old ladies. They love it
My cats absolutely love this
Keeps my cat very happy. If she is happy I am happy.
Nos gusta esta marca compramos hace 6 anos.Y estoy muy satisfecha.
I buy this because the Cat is bonkers about it. She really enjoys it. Cat will even steal the box they are delivered in she likes it that much.
Todo correcto
Il gatto del nonno non mangia altro
ya lo conocia
Muito boa
ottimo servizio
it is loved by the cats, they can;t get enough of it.
A mis gatos les encanta y le sienta muy bien, y no todos los piensos les sientan bien.
Os meus miaus gostam
My cats wont eat anything else
My cat was brought up on this in Spain. On coming to this country we tried lots of products but he did not eat properly until we found ultima chicken online.
Excelente produto os meus gatos adoram
Calidad - precio perfecta
Os meus gatos adoram. Antes vomitavam muito mas com esta ração isso passou. O arroz é ótimo para o trato digestivo. Devoram a comida.
Les encanta a mis gatitos y ya no quieren otra comida que no sea ULTIMA!!!
Mis gatos quieren nada que no sea la ULTIMA desde 12 anos. Son super anos y no tienen una probema !!!
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