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Online shop for pet
A mi labrador le va genial este pienso
es un buen producto.
O Bond adora! Eu fico feliz por v-lo saudvel, contente e com o pelo super brilhante
was lekker , mooie kleur de brokken
A mis perros les gusta buen precio.
muito boa raao
Qualidade excelente
Ideal para o meu Labrador. Com a mais valia de, na composio, ter Condroitina e Glucosamina que ajudam a prevenir problemas nas articulaes.
Notre chien aime ces croquettes.
Ótima ração!
Excelente produto a um excelente preço!
My labrador likes this food very much, and the service provided by the Miscota is fantastic! What a fortunate find...
My Collie Labrador cross is a bit of a fussy eater. We discovered Ultima in Spain where it carries the "Affinity" label meaning that it is recommended by vets. We were unable to source Ultima in the UK until I discovered the Miscota web site. Now we have a happy dog!
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